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Sunday, January 23, 2011

We've Actually Come Back!!!

School is up and running again, no permanent damage caused by the snow. Classes have started up, and the professors are gladly piling up the homework to their reluctant students. But at least it wont be to bad, the students actually keep coming back semester after semester, so i'm sure we'll all survive.

(Me and my amazing roomies!!)

This semester has nothing greatly different from last semester, except for a few little details. I have sixteen credits, beginning with classes every morning at nine, then lunch break from twelve till mid afternoon. Classes then begin again, and three days a week I'm stuck in class till five. Perhaps I should reword that, I get the opportunity to learn new things all the way till five in the evening (ugh!)!!!! But in general, I like the class, either that or I have others in the class that help make it interesting, so this semester will be lots of fun!

(Studying in the library: "Hmmm, what does this mean?")

When I'm not sitting through classes, I have plenty of other things to occupy myself. For one afternoon, I attend an extension, which will soon in the coming up weeks receive a post to explain what this incredible opportunity is all about. Also, I will be playing soccer for my society! So, practices and matches will take up quite a bit of time, but will be well worth it in the end. This semester, I have been elected as the "spirit leader" in my society. That is an officer position, so I attend officer meetings where we plan what we want to do in society to keep it exciting and fun. And my specific job as spirit leader is simply to keep up society spirit! I am the one that leads us in cheers during games, I write new cheers, I just keep us all pumped up and excited about everything! It is a great officer position to have :D Then other then that, I have my custodial "dust buster" job, and a new job as a guard at the Museum and Gallery on campus (also to be explained in the coming up weeks).

(Hanging out at the mall)

So as you can see, I am keeping very busy this semester, which is how I like it :) There will be plenty to write about on my blog, so I have no excuse for not keeping it up. I am making no promises, but I will try harder then last semester to be more often in updating. See, I already did almost weekly updates recently! If you have any suggestions of something you want explained more fully, just say so in the comments, and you will have a post dedicated to you about what you suggest :) As long as it does not fall under one of the following categories: boys, Heather's personal life, or how to get around rules at BJU.

(Trying on dresses we wish we could have for artist series)

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