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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Was It Only Two Weeks?

Surprise, surprise, it has been two weeks since being dropped off at University. Where did the time go? Somewhere between figuring out classes, and meeting new people, time has just flown right on by.
First of all I would like to say I am doing great and have adjusted incredibly fast! I even got some comments on how some people thought I was a Sophomore, nope just a Freshman who hasn't had the reality of the situation sink in fully. I suppose in a way it just feels like an extended vacation with friends. I do work on campus though, and I am not just referring to homework working, but a job. That is right, I have graced the working world with my presence among the custodial crew who clean our lovely science building here on campus. This creates a very interesting environment filled with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos that need dusted off.

The staff here on campus have been nice enough to keep my days pleasantly employed in various homework. I have really enjoyed the chance to see a real library, since I can't think of when I was ever in one before, so it has suddenly become my favorite spot of study despite the freezing cold in the library. I did after a while try other places on campus for spending my time such as in my dorm room, but that distracts me to easily, so I tried the study lounge... half an hour later as I was waking up I realized that wasn't such a good idea either, so back to the library! Now that classes are in full swing, other events and extra activities have begun which you, my loyal readers, will hear about as they occur hopefully. To give a full idea of what all is happening here on campus I will try every now and then write a post about a single part of life here, whether the food, social activities, or a class, to give you a glimpse into my life.