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Monday, July 20, 2009

Around the World in One Day!

Ferdinand Magellan traveled around the world in three years, Jules Verne traveled around the world in eighty days, well, I out did them both! I went around the world in one day! With my sister Heather and my friend Karina, we set out to the city of Zürich, which was the beginning point for our journey.

Our first stop was China, we went to the Chinagarten (China Garden) in Zürich. Isn't it such a cute little garden ;P

Lunch time came and we spent it in Turkey by having our Dürüms. Even though we sat next to a river in Zürich I want to keep with the world tour theme, so I will call it a Turkish river, which is where we ate our lunch while being watched by Turkish Swans :)

Next was a visit to the Stonehenge, more accurately it is modern art in the middle of Zürich that, in my imaginative mind, resembled the Stonehenge. We continued on to a church that was "cool," it felt nice after the hot weather! I am not sure what country that will represent but I suppose I will call it the Vatican since it was, after all, a Catholic church.

We finished our round the world journey by arriving back in Switzerland and enjoying the last few hours in Zürich by the Zürichsee. If you want more information about this historic trip or get our autographs for being the first people to go around the world in one day, just contact either me, Karina, or Heather :D

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We Survived!

(Continued from the last post) We survived the night of facing all the dangers of Holderbank, it was difficult at times, such as when a "ferocious" cat was on the porch and scared us half to death, yet we persevered.

Heather is setting up the tent on our porch. I think we have given our neighbors entertainment, as they wondered what in the world we were doing :D

Lots of pillows makes any bed seem very cozy.

We were watching a movie. We ended up staying up till 3:45, our all nighter idea didn't quite work out. When we finally woke up this morning we ended our "authentic" camping trip with pancakes, I want to do this again before summer is out and recommend a camping trip in your yard to any one who wants something fun to do in their summer.

Porch Camping

Hi everyone, I bet you can't guess where I am right now! I am "sleeping" in a tent on my porch! Haha and having a great time. My sister Heather and I are having a sleepover :P already we watched a movie with the ambience of cars in the back ground, very mood setting for a Jane Austin film :/ Now we are chatting and randomly updating my bl0g at midnight, very exciting :P I will post pictures tomorrow morning, sleep well!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Mysterious Path and other adventures

Another warm day, and another day for a nice walk in the surrounding country with my sister. I call this walk, "The Mysterious Path and other adventures."

We (Heather and I) began our walk, very content, enjoying the fresh air, and ready to find adventure...

Adventure found us. Hmmmm, a small deserted path. Perhaps it is a short cut? Whatever it is, we will find out! And so we embarked on our journey up the over grown path through the woods.

We were so near the end of the path when we found it covered in stinging needles, oh no what will we do now *gasp* but I faced the foreboding plants to see what was on the other end while Heather wisely watched. The path came out in the middle of a strange farm. Our journey was over and we slipped (literally) back down the path to the main road. My only wound from the adventure was one sting from the needles. Later we discovered that the "strange farm" was actually a familiar farm that I just happened to see from a different side.

(on a clear day you can see the alps through that fog in a long stretch as far as the eye can see)

We continued up a hill with no trees. The sun beat down on our "glistening" forms toiling up the hill. We suddenly got the desperate desire to drink some water... searching... searching, no water!!! We didn't bring any and couldn't find a fountain any where! Our thirst only grew as the sun beat more fiercely and we cooked in the sun like two little helpless sausages frying in a pan, perhaps not the best metaphor. Yet we persevered onward!

(that is the "cross." I was there when I took the pictures for my last post.)

We saw our town in the distance, we are getting closer to the cool house and... WATER!!!

This is our town, walking down our main road there is our house in the distance, we are coming closer!!!

Home sweet home, the wonderful holder of all cool liquids, we have reached your door step and are ready to enter and partake of the refreshment of water...

At last our quest is complete, we have reached water and a cool house. No more sausage sizzling and dehydrating, as pleasant as the walk was, we were very glad for the comfort of home. No one can tell me now that water has no taste, it is delicious! Now that I have ended that exciting adventure, where else can I go?

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Home!

I have been blogging for over a year, I've written about my life, shown pictures of my family and friends, and even wrote an entry about my pet, but never included a picture of my home sweet home! I had to remedy that!!! Recently, I took a short walk up a mountain over looking my town and snapped a few pictures of the place I call home. Now even those readers who have never visited me can know what my little town of Holderbank looks like.

For a bonus with this entry I will have trivia about Holderbank. There are about six hundred people in Holderbank.

It is a Catholic town, right on the border of the next Canton (kind of like an American State) which is not Catholic, so we get all the extra Catholic holidays from school, Yay!

There is only one store in our entire town, a small Denner. But we do have plenty of restaurants!!!

Here is my house. Can you find it on the other picture above? If you want a real big challenge, find it on the very first picture, it is visible... barely... If you find it you receive the prize of the satisfaction of having very good observation skills :P

Monday, July 6, 2009

Making Memories!!

With school being over, and the sun shinning brightly through the window, we had to get outside for a few hours. We, three sisters, journeyed a few minutes to a nearby creek amongst a few trees where we spent our times taking pictures and making unforgettable memories.

We will not always be together, time will take us our separate ways, such as University and beyond. That is why it is so very important to enjoy every small moment we have together.