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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Chance...

Another chance to win, I approach my Judo tournament in Murten with much anticipation. Will this be the one that I will finally win at least one fight? Just two weeks before I was at a competition in Weinfelden which turned into somewhat of a disaster. After being stuck in traffic, I missed the weigh in; therefore, I was not signed up for my group. Disappointed in having driven over two hours and not being able to compete at all, my teacher allowed me to join the elite group. I lost after seven seconds. Now I was in Murten, ready to do my best.

"OJIME!" called the referee and I began. The time ticked by on the digital clock, counting down from four minutes. Now it was at three minutes and I was still in, though I had fallen a few times I still kept going. Then it happened, she pinned me down and I struggled for freedom. I could barely breathe. The timer began. Could I free myself before the twenty-five seconds were over? What would happen first, would I escape or suffocate? I gasp for breath and continue fighting. Then I heard it, the loud buzz. It was over and I had lost. Yet, how long did I fight for? 1:33!!! I was so pleased with myself! That was my best record.

Then came my second fight. Not much to say about that. I approached my opponent, we fought, a few seconds later I was laying flat on my back. But nothing could squelch my elation over my defeat of my personal record. Goodbye Judo tournaments, I will not be competing again this year. I will have time to work hard and practice till January, then I shall return stronger, faster, and better. Perhaps that will be my first win?

Enjoy the movie of my tournament :) I'm the one in the orange belt :P

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Return to Routine

Life has become quite busy over the past few weeks, with school and my hobbies all starting up. But I am pleased to announce that a routine has begun again and I am no longer suffering from Summer Holiday Boredom. The biggest happening since I last wrote was Heather leaving for University again. Though she has already been gone for a year, the goodbyes after her visits never get any easier. After having her around the house for three months and now her gone, I can't help but almost cry when I see the places she used to be, lie empty. But I must learn that life has to go on...

Saying goodbye breaks my heart,
If only we never had to part.
I'm very close to my sister,
I love to talk and laugh with her.
I understand that change must be,
And that she is now very happy,
But still I don't like to let go,
Yet she has to move on in life, also
I need to move on as well I know.
She'll go her way, I'll go mine. Though-
We shouldn't cry and feel so sad,
Instead treasure the time that we had.
Though for a time we may grieve,
The memories will never leave,
But I can't help shedding at least a tear,
For the sister I'm parted from who is so dear.