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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

America! America!

I have spent my first week in America with a big adventure in coming here. On last Tuesday, the 10 of June, we left Switzerland, first on an eight and a half hour flight from Zürich airport to Washington-Dulles. At Dulles we switched to a flight to Harrisburg but because of thunderstorms we had to get off the plane then it cleared for a moment so we got back on but again the storms started and we had to get off and the flight was canceled. We got all of our luggage and spent the night in the airport. We got to eat at Wendy's for breakfast then took an eight thirty flight to Harrisburg with an entire day ahead of us. And so my time in America has began full of shopping trips to Walmart to stock up our temporary "home" and planning our time. It is very hot outside where I feel as if I will melt and it is freezing inside because of the air conditioning, hopefully I will adjust and soon! The first Sunday in America I got to be at two different services, one in the morning and one in the evening, though BCF is still my favorite church :) Coming up events is two week long camps beginning next Monday with only a few days in between. It is not very busy now for me but I know things will start to pick up a bit over the next few weeks.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Friends, Romans, Countrymen!

This past weekend was my church's Sunday School camp, from the 30th May to the 1 June, with the theme of the Romans. I was a helper in the camp and got to do various tasks such as teach a memory verse or song to just supervise to make sure the children behave.
The reason why everyone in the pictures is wearing bed sheets and other not very normal outfits is because on Saturday night everyone dressed up as Romans and ate a Roman meal by sitting on the floor and eating with our fingers which was especially challenging for the dessert... chocolate fondue! On Sunday for lunch the rest of church joined for a grill, and the children preformed a short play they had learned over the weekend. Everyone had fun and I am excited for next years camp!