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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mainly about Maine

The windy harbor was filled with every type of boat imaginable, I raised my camera for another picturesque shot. West Rockport Maine was beautiful and I will not forget the beautiful scenery of the breakwater lighthouse sitting on the end of a half mile long rock levy. My family left for Maine early on Friday morning, and after a long tiring ten hour drive we arrived at some friends's house. The family had four daughters that we had known from our last deputation when we visited Maine. After an evening of reacquainting ourselves, we all went to bed. 
We began Saturday with a hike including us, the family we were staying with, and a few other people from their church. It was a short walk up to a rustic stone house where we played games and picked blueberries, and of course we ate the blueberries :) Lunch came and we all sat around and ate our packed lunches while we talked. After the hike was over and everyone left for their separate ways; my family went touring to the breakwater lighthouse. It was a beautiful day, at least I believe so, but it is hard to see clearly with the wind constantly blowing my hair in my face.
Evening arrived and my family went to a church meal, the church is the reason for the visit to Maine. I got to do my first speaking in sixteen years as part of my dad's presentation, even if it was only about three sentences. The food was great and the people were friendly, the evening as a whole was really enjoyable and a nice end to a very fun filled day.
Sunday arrived so then we made our way once again to the church where my dad preached for sunday school and got to just sit and enjoy the sermon. For lunch my parents ate with missions people while Rebecca and I got to go to pizza hut with the family we were staying with. I really wish there was a pizza hut back in Switzerland! In the evening Dad had to speak again and present our work along with a short message. Afterwards I left earlier then my parents to spend one last evening with the four girls, we got along very well and I will miss them all!
Six forty-five on Monday morning I woke up to say goodbye to the girls before they left for school then I got packed up and ready to leave on the long trip "home." We stopped by LLBean for a few hours before continuing our journey to York. By the time we finally arrived back in York it was 4:45 on Tuesday morning! I was a bit tired to say the least. I slept in Tuesday morning, what was left of it, and then completed a whole day of school. Now I am back into the routine with only a slight cold to hinder me. 


Acacia said...

Cool pictures! I like your bju sweatshirts! I've been to Rockport before! Some of my relatives live near there. I've also been to that lighthouse! Sounds like you had fun! I wish I could have been there! You make me homesick for Maine…a little bit!
Cool description at the beginning! :P Wonder where you got the idea from!? hehe! Nice complement anyway!

IrishOboe said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. I've never been to Maine, though my Aunt keeps trying to get me there. It's so sad to see a family photo with only four people! Miss you over here.

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah!!! those r some cool pictures!